You IPR Score

IPR® Score — a vital part of the hiring process

IPR offers adjusters the chance to display all their abilities – licenses, certifications, estimates and past work history. In addition, adjusters can showcase their knowledge of the insurance industry through skill assessments. These assessments cover a wide range of categories from customer service to general building knowledge.

You have a direct
impact on your score.

By taking skills assessments, adjusters are showing employers that they are capable and passionate about their career. Adjusters can take as many tests as they’d like, each of which will be scored and displayed on their profile page.

When a IPR® Score is generated, it’s based on key factors:

  • Licensing
  • Customer Experience
  • Estimatics
  • Recovery History
  • Work History
  • Industry Certifications
  • Skill Assessments


Insurers, Third Party Administrators
and IA Firms review your IPR® Score.

The days are gone when companies only used resumes to review your experience.  Insurers, Third Party Administrators and Independent Adjusting Firms are now using real-time data to rate insurance professionals before, during and after the hiring process.

IPR is becoming an industry standard for companies to check your licensing, past work history, customer feedback and your skill assessments.